Tag Archives: Meetings

O Yeah! Stellar Meeting!

This Wednesday, our well-prepared Toastmaster of the Evening Marina introduced the theme of the evening “O Yeah!”. Afterwards, she wonderfully set the scene for every speaker. Petronela delivered CC manual Project #3 entitled “Sharing is Caring”. In her speech, she … Continue reading

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Newly Elected Board 2015-2016

At the last meeting, a new board was elected: President– Renko Pauwels VP Education– Sunder Annamraju VP Membership – Prateek Bhurkay VP Finance – Lukacs Dorfner VP PR – Magdalena Rother Sergeant at Arms– Friederike Galland Secretary – Eva Goellner … Continue reading

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We Toastmasters love speaking and crave stage time. Our lovely VP Education Wendy knows it and organized for us a wonderful a Speech-A-Thon, i.e. a speech marathon (the running shoes were not required!), i.e. an evening only with speeches and … Continue reading

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Become a Leader

The meeting on the 6th of May was scintillating. We started the meeting with an award ceremony. Dyane officially handed over the Revitalized Education Program Learning Masters Certificate to Khushi who, along with Anna, is a Learning Master. Khushi has worked on the … Continue reading

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Great Beginnings

Last week we had another wonderful meeting. Our lovely, well-prepared Toastmaster of the Evening Friederike presented the meeting theme: Great Beginnings. She recited verses from the poem, Steps, written by the German poet, Hermann Hesse: “Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne, … Continue reading

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Scintillating Evening!

Last meeting we had a scintillating meeting with the theme of the evening being “Fire Up!”. Three speakers entertained us with three scintillating speeches :). Florian delivered Project 7 from the CC manual entitled “Wouldn’t life be boring?”. He told … Continue reading

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Banner Meeting!

Last meeting we had a banner meeting with the theme of the evening being “banner”. In the business section, Khushi presented a club banner to the Berliner Rhetorikmeister ‘s President, Peter Rabeneck. Our lovely Toastmaster of the Evening, Violetta, wonderfully … Continue reading

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Evaluation Workshop@Mercury

Last Wednesday our VP Education, Wendy, held a wonderful workshop on evaluation. She led us on our journey to become Evaluation Mavens. After a quiz, she told us about the three levels of listening. When entering the evaluator skin, we … Continue reading

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Poetry Evening@Mercury

Creativity was in the air at our last meeting. We had a special meeting with a Poetry theme was organized by Jeremy as Toastmaster of the Evening and Dyane as Table Topics Master. Starting with our introduction round, some members … Continue reading

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Seek Positive

The theme of the evening at our last meeting was Lies. As part of his wonderful preparation, Toastmaster of the Evening Jürgen and Table Topic Master Nikolaos coordinated in advance, thus both the prepared speech session as well as the Table … Continue reading

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