Earth Day

At our last meeting on the 22nd of April the theme of the evening was, of course, Earth Day. Our well prepared Toastmaster of the Evening Khushi set the tone of the evening. She cheered us up by telling us Earth Day and motivated us to act in order to keep our Earth beautiful. Moreover, she wonderfully introduced the three speakers of the evening.

Dieter delivered his Icebreaker entitled “There is no success like failure”. He is member of the SPD party since 2007. He told us about his three trials to advance in his political career and what he learned from them. Even if some people might consider these trials failures, Dieter knows that they are actually successes.

Nikolaos delivered Project #3 from the Competent Communicator Manual entitled “Molecular Universe”. He told us new ideas about universe. He thinks that each of us hold little universes inside of us. We can keep our universes in order by just existing and being close to each other. When we feel negative towards someone, he suggested to look at the sky and find the common universe.

Last, but not least, the third speaker was Matthias D. He gave Project #3 from the advance manual Persuasive Speaking entitled “So You Want to Be World Class Speaker?”. Matthias shared with us some ideas on how to become a world class speaker: to orchestrate the entire range of skills of public speaking, to work hard and to be ourself on the stage in order to reach the audience heart. He made use of analogies in order for the audience gasp his points easier. For instance, in order to describe public speaking he used an analogy to cooking, a common activity that we are doing or affects us on a daily basis. He finished his speech with a question “It is fast food or it is nouvelle cuisine?”

The questions of Marina, our Table Topics Master, were related to the Earth Day topic as well.

It was a wonderful educational and relaxed evening. Thank you to all of you who contributed to it.

Word of the Day: Aegis

Lesson learnd: The unused phone charger plugged in the socket still consumes electricity 🙂


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